onsdag 19. desember 2007

Bilder frå faroens rike.

Vårt første møte med ei pyramide

På kamel rundt Keospyramida og Sfinksen

Gode gamle Sfinksen

Samen med Ramses II

På Hard Rock Café

Utsikt utover Sinai

På toppen av Sinai fjellet der Gud talte med Moses

På toppen var det både eit Kapell og ein Moské.
Dette korset var på trappa opp til Moskéen.

Soloppgangen frå Sinai fjellet

3 kommentarer:

Jesus' Gal sa...

Exciting trip, great photos!!!
Is this a trip on the sites described in the Old Testament?

Gutten Tag!!!

Elias sa...

Hey Koala!
This was a trip i had with some friends of mine. We are volunteering in the Palestinian bible society. We had 4 days trip to Egypt to see Kairo and the Sinai Mountain, where Moses spoked to God. That is the mountain on the last pictures.

Jesus' Gal sa...

Wa!!!!!! Volunteering for the Palestinian Bible Soc?!!!

Looking forward to read about the trip, more photos, and the work with the Soc!!! Oh, I'd come back and check it out!!!

(forgotten I don't know Norway Lang.. I can only guess from my limited German :))

4 days' trip in the exciting Eypt is NOT enough! Did your team also travel to Israel and other trails described in the Old Testament?

Is Elijash = Elijah in English? As my fellowship name is Elijah fellowship.
